KILA’s Recent Donations

KILA has made contributions and donations to Kelleys Island projects and organizations since 1974.  This table is just the most recent donations.

2011VFW Post 9908 for heating$2,000
2012Tall Ships$500
2013EMS for power Gurney$1,150
2014EMS for power Gurney$1,340
2015Absolutely KI – Memorial Park Playground$1,184
2016KI Historical – Stone Church Window$2200
2016Pavilion Outside Restoration$8462
2017Light the Park – 1 Light Post$6,500
2018Memorial Park Flowers, picnic table & bench
TBD Pavilion Park Enhancement
2019KI park board – sign (TBD)$1,500
2019KI audubon – state seed project$1,000
2020Film fest sponsor, fireworks, and 4H camp$900
2020Cloth masks & Keep Kelleys Safe signs$4,128
2021Trash Containers for Village771
VFW Flags
$ 500
2022Community Park Playground
Trash receptacles for Trailheads
VFW Flag replacements
$ 771
$ 500
2023 Community Park Playground $ 15,000
VFW heating donation
Memorial Park Playground
Window donation for Old Stone Church
Pavilion Restoration – KILA President Arnold & Mayor Cooper
Memorial Park lights
Mayor Cooper at light dedication
Light The Park – Steve Merkel intro

KILA – Request for Support

The Kelleys Island Landowners Association (KILA), a 501.c.3 charitable organization, is interested in improving and enhancing Kelleys Island.  We ask that KI organizations or individuals with a specific project or initiative that will further this interest and wish for support from KILA, please submit a Request for Support to KILA.  This support may be financial and/or through the efforts of our members and volunteers. 

We have no formal “grant application process”, but do require a type-written request of no more than two pages (8 ½ x 11 paper; 11 pt. font size minimum) containing the following information:

  1. Requestor’s name and contact information
  2. Title of project
  3. Concise description of project including what is the project, who benefits from it, and how it “improves or enhances” KI.
  4. Approval or support by the Village of KI, if applicable (i.e. Mayor or Village Administrator) or property owner (e.g. park, preserve, school, etc.).  
  5. Type (financial and/or volunteerism) and amount of support requested.
  6. Any other information to help “sell” your proposal.

Please use this link for an on-line request form. You may fill it out on-line or print it and send it via email or snail mail.

Requests for 2024 projects must be received by April 1, 2024.  Please send requests to or PO Box 22 Kelleys Island, OH 43438-0022.

Submissions received by the due date will be reviewed over the winter and considered by the board of directors at the May, 18, 2024 BoD meeting.  Requestors may be asked to present their proposal at this meeting.

Selection criteria are:

  • Demonstration of Improvement or Enhancement of KI (audience benefitted, environmental impact, etc.)
  • Feasibility of implementation (necessary written approvals, zoning, public support)
  • Implementation effort for KILA volunteers (fund raising, acquisition and installation, project management, etc.)
  • Funding availability (usually proceeds from the Annual Raffle, other fundraising efforts, and direct donations)
  • Visibility of KILA’s contribution.