KILA Membership

Septic System Maintenance

This year, KILA is partnering with Franklin Sanitation to promote awareness of the importance to our environment of maintaining your septic systems. Your active KILA membership (new or renewal) this year automatically enters you in a drawing for a free septic tank pump out (up to 1000 gal.) from Franklin Sanitation.  The drawing will be held at Homecoming on August 14th.  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommends that you have your system inspected (in general) every three years by a licensed contractor and have the tank pumped, when necessary, generally every three to five years. For more information check with the Ohio Department of Health at: .

Your membership in KILA helps us support and improve Kelleys Island. If you have not joined or renewed you membership, please do so.

Note: The KILA Kards will be resumed this year. Active members will benefit by getting discounts from local businesses. The cards are planned to be mailed by the end of May.