
Candidates’ Forum Summary

This year’s forum was in the form of a “town hall” meeting since all candidates for election are running unopposed.  The village officials at this forum were: Mayor Ron Ehrbar, Clerk/treasurer Lisa Klonaris, Councilman Scott Stevenson, and Village administrator Andy Federle.  About 25 KILA members and residents were present.

Here is a brief summary of items discussed:

Mayor Ehrbar shared the accomplishments of his administration this year.

  • As he promised, no new taxes from the village.
  • The Huntington road waterline was replaced and road paved.
  • The airport lights are now LEDs and state of the art.
  • EMS / Metro Health / Life flight is up and running very well
  • The Erie County Health Clinic was opened in the Golias house (thanks to a $250k grant from the county).

The following new or ongoing items were discussed:

  • The East Lakeshore road protection project is ongoing ($400k grant).  Now in process to acquire easements to add stone.  
  • The playground project has about $143k but need about an additional $120k for the flooring.  Next Park Board meeting is October 2nd at 6 pm.
  • Sewage treatment project has a grant for planning & design.  NO designs are firm yet.  This planning will take about 18 months.  Initially, the downtown area is expected to be addressed.  The intention is for grants to pay for building and hook up of the system.  Homeowners will only pay for operation & usage (like water).  There was much discussion and concern from residents.
  • Short term rentals – a firm was contracted to identify rental properties so that “bed tax” is paid to Erie county & KI.  There also may be an annual fee of 2-3 nights rental to the village.  This is like to $50 annual fee for rental golf carts.  This is expected by March, 2024.
  • The Fairview & other roads paving is having the evaluation in a few weeks.  Then quotes will be gathered and expected completion is spring 2024.
  • Division st repairs – village is looking for state funding as the road was upgraded from a village road, but not a full state route.
  • The water tank was refurbished, but will need replacement is about 15 years. 

Thanks to all who attended.  This summary is from our notes of the discussions and are only the “high points”.  Please contact the village office, council, or Mayor for greater detail. 

2023 Candidates’ Forum – Saturday September 16 at 1:00 PM

In election years, KILA sponsors a Candidates’ Forum for our members and Kelleys Island residents.  This year, as candidates are running unopposed and no proposals are on the November ballot, this event will be an open forum like a “town hall” meeting.  Mayor Ehrbar, clerk-treasurer Klonaris, and other village officials will provide an update of village activities and plans.  This will be an opportunity for us all to have a dialog with them about our questions and concerns.

Please join us at the Estes School gymnasium at 1 PM on Saturday September 16th.

Also, the KILA annual members meeting will be on the same day in the school community room at 10:00 am.  This meeting will include the President’s report for the year and elect directors to the KILA board. 

KILA Annual Members Meeting

The KILA annual members meeting will be on Saturday, September 16th at 10:00 am in the Estes School community room. This meeting will include the President’s report for the year and elect directors to the KILA board. 

All KILA members and potential members are invited to hear about KILA and to share their comments and suggestions to help us “improve and enhance Kelleys Island”. We are always looking for participation and volunteers to help KILA with its events and activities.

The KILA board of direction’s meeting will follow immediately thereafter.

Homecoming Award Winners & Prizes

Thanks to all who participated in our Raffle, parade, pie contest, games and cornhole tournament


$ 2,500Kevin Pape
$ 1,000Jennie Anderson
$ 500Jessie Webster
$ 250Virginia Park
$ 100Tim Arnold


1st Place: “Fish Tales,” created by Larry and Kristina Truthan, along with their granddaughter.

2nd Place:  Milan Edison Band parents support golf cart which was appropriately decorated.

3rd Place went to Papa T.

Pie Contest:

#1 Elvis by Jacquie Folk

#2 Tomato/Tomato^ by Robin Benvenuto

#3 Key Lime by Denise Fahry

Twinkie Eating:

1st place Ethan Zientarski

2nd place Kason Camacho

Marshmallow Golf:

1st place Kason Camacho

2nd place Jonah Kaufman

Corn Hole Tournament:

1st: Doug & Jeff Dury.

2nd: Tom & Dave Dury





KELLEYS ISLAND, OHIO, JULY 15, 2023 — Kelleys Island Landowners Association (KILA) is proud to announce it has been awarded an Event Grant to support the promotion of KILA’s Homecoming Weekend festival and parade by the Erie County Visitors & Convention Bureau, Inc., part of Shores & Islands Ohio, the destination marketing organization for Erie and Ottawa counties.

This grant is to help with the promotion KILA’s biggest event, which has been held annually since 1974 and is a family friendly event.  This year’s Homecoming is August 11-12 and will be held at the Kelleys Island Community Park on Addison Street.  Landowners and visitors are welcome and encouraged to attend and participate in the festivities. 

Friday evening there will be a Perch Fry dinner and professional musicians for entertainment beginning at 6:00 pm.

Saturday morning festivities begin at 11:00 am with a parade. KILA has received confirmation from Edison High School and Crestline High School that their marching bands will be performing in the 2023 parade. The bands also will give a concert at the Kelleys Island Pavilion after the parade for the festival goers.

At the festival venue on Saturday from noon to 6:00 pm there will be games, vendor tents, additional professional music, a silent auction, a 50/50 drawing, and refreshments. 

“KILA is very appreciative of the continued partnership with Shores & Islands Ohio. The funds from this grant will enable us to fully promote our Homecoming and encourage more people to visit and enjoy our beautiful island” said Chris Arnold, KILA president.

For more information on Homecoming, please go to our website at

Please see Shires & Islands Ohio web site for more area information.

2023 Homecoming

KILA’s 2023 Homecoming Schedule 
 August 11 & 12 @ Pavilion
Friday 6-8 PM3rd Annual Fish Fry:  Tickets by pre-sale only ($30) SOLD OUT
Friday 5:30-8 PMMusic by Frank & Dean
Friday 5-9 PMBeer, Craft Booths and gift market & 50-50 Raffle
Saturday 11am-5 PM
9:00: AMPie Contest – Sign in & deliver Pies 8:30am
11:00Parade on Lakeshore – Lineup 10:30 at West Dock
Theme:   The Spirit(s) of Kelleys Island
11:30Opening Ceremony at Pavilion – Parade & Pie Contest winners
11:45Island Singers & Edison Band encore
12:30 – 2:30Fat City Band
12 -1:00Tour of Fire Trucks and Ambulance
1:00Estes School Alumni Picture (@basketball court)
1:301st annual Corn Hole tournament
2:00Marshmallow Golf
2:30Twinkie Eating Contest
2:3050-50 Raffle
2:45 to 5 PMFat City Band
3 to 3:45Kids Games
4:30Last bids due for Silent Auction –  for Marching Band 
4:30Drawing for KILA Raffle Ticket prizes
Until 4:00Food: Brats, dogs, Hamburgs & picnic sides (until we run out)
Until 4:00Snickers Balloon Sculptures
Until 5:00Craft Booths and gift market
Until 5:00Beer and Beverages and Beer Slide
Until 5:00Bounce Castle
Sponsored by the Kelleys Island Landowners Association – KILA and

KI Phone Book

Good afternoon KI residents and businesses! My name is Lisa Fujita and I will be updating the Kelleys Island phonebook in the next few weeks. If there are any property changes, if you are a new build, or even a vacant lot, please message me with any address updates, including a telephone number, and email address if applicable. While I have several resources to pull information from I will be literally driving down streets to get a visual on each street, (this is how it has been done the past).  I know many of you have cameras on your properties and want you to know ahead of time if you see me cruising your neighborhood it’s just me doing this  job. I am starting the driving process alphabetically, and I have already noticed that while most homes do have a physical address posted on the property there many that do not or are difficult to see. So, please personal message me with any new updates, property images so I can connect the address to property and any other changes to your phonebook information. 

Thank you and best wishes in the new year!