
KILA Masks – Update

KILA’s community service project for this year is to give reusable cloth masks to KI property owners & residents.  We made some “home deliveries” and distributed masks at the Estes school on Saturday the 6th & 13th.   Masks were also given to the KI Police dept., EMS, both churches, and business & employees to protect themselves and those who they serve.   So far, we have given over 500 masks that we hope helps keep our residents safe and reduces the spread of COVID19.  

If you are a KI property owner (KILA membership is not required) and didn’t get masks, please contact us at

Your face covering protects others.  Their face covering protects you

KILA Masks distribution – June 13th

Last Saturday KILA began giving reusable cloth masks to KI property owners. Thanks to the KILA members who helped with the distribution and also to the almost 100 families who received the masks to help protect residents from the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

On Saturday June 13th at the school parking lot from 11 am to 1 pm, we will continue to give island property owners masks. There is a 2 mask per household as well.

Please help KILA and island residents to keep KI safe.

KILA Mask Distribution – Update

The reusable cloth masks have finally arrived.    KILA is giving two masks per household of KI property owners to promote the health and safety of KI residents and prevent the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

We will begin by giving masks to KILA members first.  For those who wanted them delivered to your KI house, we will do so starting on this Friday through Sunday June 7th.  If you wish to pick them up, we will have a table in the Estes School Parking Lot on Saturday June 6th from 11 am to 1:00 pm for KILA members.

  We will have a second distribution day on Saturday June 13th at the school parking lot from 11 am to 1 pm.  This date will be for all KI property owners (KILA members or not) wanting a mask.  There is a 2 mask per household (property) as well.

Your face covering protects others.  Their face covering protects you”.  Keep Kelleys Island residents safe.  Thank you for keeping us all safe.

Cloth Masks from KILA

KILA is supporting keeping KI residents and visitors safe by giving island property owners reusable cloth masks. Delivery is slow, “like island time”, but are expected to be here next week. If so, we will begin distribution by the weekend of June 5th.

More information will follow.

Homecoming 2020

Regrettably, KILA has decided to cancel its annual Homecoming celebration which had been scheduled for August 7 & 8, 2020.  This was a difficult decision, but is in the best interests for the health and safety of KI residents and visitors.  With such a gathering, keeping a social distance between people, wearing masks, and keeping surfaces clean, would be almost impossible.

So, we encourage you all to safely patronize your favorite KI stores, restaurants, bars, parks, and other recreational sites during this season.  We look forward to resuming our homecoming celebration next year.

Please check our website for further schedule updates and news.

Stay safe, be well, and have fun,

KILA Board of Directors

Mayor’s Letter of May 19th

IMPORTANT Update from the Mayor- May 19 – The Mayor provides information on what is happening on the Island and when including the campground, bars & restaurants, marinas, golf cart rentals, etc. You will also find information on what to expect when you arrive. Please bring a mask for everyone’s safety.  It is the Village’s official stance that COVID-19 IS serious and that measures MUST be implemented.  Please respect our wishes, even if you don’t share our views. Follow the guidelines that our business owners have put in place, as deviation from these rules may result in their closure by the Health Dept.  READ THE ENTIRE May 19, 2020 letter HERE.

Mayor’s Letter May 9th

IMPORTANT Update from the Mayor- May 9 – As of May 1, per Governor Mike DeWine, Ohio’s “Stay at Home” order transformed into what is now known as the “Stay Safe Ohio” order. On May 8, our sister island to the west, South Bass (aka Put-In-Bay) announced their plan to fully reopen business on their island in accordance with safety guidelines set by our Governor. As a show of unity, we will follow suit in welcoming everyone back. This wasn’t an easy decision to make, as we are a different island with our own infrastructure challenges.

What does that mean for Kelleys Island?
• Travel to the island for tourism and recreational purposes can resume, including fishing, biking, kayaking, etc.; lodging properties can now accept reservations.
• Property owners, business owners, and employees are still welcome to come to the island for the purposes of attending to their homes or businesses.
• The Kelleys Island State Park Campground is still closed at this time.
• Beginning May 12, some retail shops will open on the island, provided they are able to do so safely and in compliance with health department guidelines.
• Beginning May 15, some restaurants/bars will open outdoor service, provided they are able to do so safely and in compliance with health department guidelines.
• Beginning May 21, some restaurants will open indoor service, provided they are able to do so safely and in compliance with health department guidelines.
• Marinas and golf cart rentals will soon open to customers, provided they are able to do so safely and in compliance with health department guidelines.
• The Kelleys Island History Museum will remain closed until June.
• The Charles Herndon Sculpture Garden’s outdoor portion will be open to the public as long as social distancing is practiced; the galleries will be open by appointment and masks will be required while inside.
• Visitors should prepare for reduced seating capacity and admittance inside retail spaces. Consider calling ahead for dining in. Takeout is still available. Do not congregate outside bars, restaurants, and shops once you have finished your meal or purchased your items.